HABITABLE project is aimed at producing innovative results contributing to face the main challenges of the Habitat sector in relation to the transition towards a more digital and greener economy.
The project addresses the following target groups, main actors in the Habitat sector, by providing them with access to a wide range of digital tools, innovative methodologies, practical resources and complementary activities, tailored to their particular needs, aimed to help them to address these challenges.
Enhance their training practices in Initial VET, with innovative learning and teaching approaches, educational methodologies and tools
Support the Habitat value chain and upskill and reskill the labour force in Continuous VET, with innovative teaching and training methods and tools
Develop and adapt their VET offer to changing labour market and social needs, based on data from the SMART Skills Intelligence Panel and the skills monitoring system
Cooperate with companies and SMEs, through the DUAL Online Centre and the Community of Practice in WBL Excellence
Boost quality, digital, green and inclusive Dual VET, apprenticeship and WBL, with the HABITABLE training programmes and courses
Improve quality and inclusiveness of VET systems and dual training offer, through the WBL for ALL space
Be part of a Skills Ecosystem and an international network alliance to co-create the Habitat Sector Skills Strategy
Promote their continuing professional development by learning new approaches and acquiring new digital competences, particularly in relation to the use of Extended Reality and learner-centered methods
Integrate innovative pedagogies in their teaching practice in VET, with the capacity building on teaching Work Readiness Skills through XR and the course on Digital Skills for teaching VET
Improve quality and inclusiveness of Vocational Education and Training, with the training course on design and management of Green, Digital and Inclusive Apprenticeship
Certify learning outcomes acquired in short-term learning experiences and validate their prior learning, through the Micro-credentials Center
Participate in international mobilities for bilateral exchange of innovation, through the CoVE Ambassadors mobility programme
Get more involved and motivated in their learning process, through dynamic and engaging tools and methodologies
Learn the key behavioural and interpersonal soft skills necessary to succeed in the Work-Based Learning experience, through the training programme on Work-Readiness Skill for WBL
Receive career guidance and tailored support to better design their learning and career paths, through the Career Guidance Space
Participate in international mobilities for bilateral exchange of innovation, through the CoVE Ambassadors mobility programme
Access to more flexible opportunities in digital, green and inclusive VET systems
Cooperate with VET centres, through the DUAL Online Centre and the Community of Practice in WBL Excellence
Identify sectoral trends and collaboration opportunities, through the HABITABLE project Sector Map of Jobs and Skills and the Training Offer Panel
Promote quality, digital, green and inclusive Dual VET, apprenticeship and WBL, with the HABITABLE training programmes and courses
React in a flexible and efficient way to the needs of the company, by training young people through WBL experiences
Learn how to reskill and upskill employees and participants in WBL preparing them for the green and digital transition, with the Training Programme for SMEs
Learn how to instruct in-company trainers and tutors to design and manage Green, Digital and Inclusive Apprenticeship
Better identify needs, existing approaches, resources and good practices to support the green and digital transition in the Habitat sector
Have access to relevant sectoral updated information about jobs, skills and VET provision, through the Sector Map of Jobs and Skills and the Training Offer Panel
Improve the competitiveness and productivity of the sector, reducing skills shortage and mismatches derived from the digital and green transitions, and the shortage of workers that companies face
Train their own employees or in-company trainers on design and manage Green, Digital and Inclusive Apprenticeship for the Habitat sector, through the HABITABLE training programmes and courses
Take part in a collaborative workspace for open innovation to address the challenges of the Habitat sector, through the Community of Practice in WBL Excellence and the Skills Ecosystem Innovation Tank
Be part of a Skills Ecosystem and an international network alliance to co-create the Habitat Sector Skills Strategy
Better align the actions to be taken in the sector towards the digital and green transition by accessing to reference material and tools
Access a SDGs aligned roadmap to improve workforce skills, nurture talent pools, foster competitiveness, grow businesses, expand employment opportunities and promote social inclusion, equality and gender equality, with the Sector Skills Strategy for the Habitat sector
Facilitate achievement of their regional policy objectives, with the policy recommendations for the implementation of a regional and local strategy for upward convergence of CoVEs
Access to data and updated information to guide the actions of the Habitat sector skills ecosystem, through the SMART Skills Intelligence Platform
Take part in a workspace for open innovation to address the challenges of the Habitat sector, through the Skills Ecosystem Innovation Tank and the Co-creation LAB of new projects for CoVEs
Be part of a Skills Ecosystem and an international network alliance to co-create the Habitat Sector Skills Strategy
SMART Career Guidance Assistant. This online tool provides access to personalised career guidance, assisted by AI technology, enabling users to manage their career and lifelong learning
⇒ Addressed to VET learners and companies and SMEs staff, and to other users of guidance services provided by VET centres, HEI career centres, employment and social guidance services
Career Guidance Handbook for the Habitat sector. Reference document providing relevant information on the specific features of the Habitat sector and its skills ecosystems, challenges and opportunities in terms of education, training and labour, promoting sectoral learning pathways and the use of Micro-credentials
⇒ Addressed to career professionals and counsellors working in different types of lifelong learning guidance services
This International Mobility Programme supports the transfer of excellence between VET centres integrated in the international network of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), aimed to encourage a culture of sharing excellency in the network
The programme facilitates the organisation of international mobilities for bilateral exchange of innovation during the implementation of HABITABLE project
Participants will learn and experience innovative practices and exchange good practices in different areas of VET excellence
⇒ Addressed to VET centres integrated in the international network of CoVEs as hosting and visitor organizations
⇒ Addressed to VET teachers and learners from the international network of CoVEs as participants in the mobility
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Unión nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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