What is Skills-OVATE?

The Skills Online Vacancy Analysis Tool for Europe (Skills-OVATE) is a dynamic online tool developed by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) to analyse and monitor job vacancies posted online across the 28 European countries. By collecting and processing data from millions of online job postings, it offers valuable insights into the skills and qualifications that are in demand in the European labour market and highlights the skills and job roles most highly desired by employers.

This tool is part of Skills Panorama, an initiative by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) of the European Commission and CEDEFOP, bringing insights on job trends and employment closer to European citizens as a real-time view.

Skills-OVATE shows this information in a user-friendly way, presenting skills demands and offers in regions, localities, cities, and Member States. In the tool, visualisation metrics are always based on prior year data, and reports are accessible for all 28 nations.

What can you find at Skills-OVATE?

Skills-OVATE offers a customisable dashboard where the user is presented with different maps/tables based on Tableau and its visualisation system. By analysing the online job markets, this dashboard can be configured to obtain information about:

  • a country/region and its most demanded occupations
  • a country/region and its most demanded sectors
  • an occupation and its demand per country with respect to the rest of occupations
  • compare occupations or sectors in several countries
  • a set of skills and the occupations most relevant to them in a country
  • a set of skills and the sectors most relevant to them in a country
  • a set of skills and the countries/regions where they are most relevant
  • what skills are in demand for an occupation by country
  • types of contracts and working hours offered for an occupation
  • most in-demand occupations by sector and country
  • skills most in demand by sector and country

In addition, digital and green trends among online youth markets can also be shaped and visualised.

Why is it relevant?

Insights for present and future
Skills-OVATE provides valuable insights into the current and future skill needs of the labour market and by analysing online job postings, helps identify the skills that are in demand, emerging trends, and gaps in the labour market. This facilitates the identification of skill mismatches within the Habitat sector and enables targeted interventions to upskill and reskill the workforce towards the transition to more sustainable and technologically advanced practices.

Strength decision-making
This data and insights allow informed decision-making for policymakers, education providers and employment services. By providing detailed labour market intelligence, Skills-OVATE ensures that education and training initiatives are tailored to meet the specific needs of the Habitat sector. This alignment between skills supply and demand not only enhances employability but also strengthens the sector’s capacity to reskill, innovate and grow. The tool’s sector-specific insights allow stakeholders to monitor shifts in the labour market, ensuring that training programs and curricula are aligned with current and future demands.

Resources for individual understanding
For individuals, Skills-OVATE can serve as a resource for understanding which skills are most sought after in their field of interest, helping them make informed decisions about education and career development, even discovering new professional profiles.

How to take advantage of it?

VET Providers can use Skills-OVATE to align their curricula with the latest labour market demands. By identifying the specific skills and competencies sought by employers in the Habitat sector, VET professionals can design targeted training programs that improve the employability of their graduates with an ensured education relevant and responsive to industry needs, particularly in areas such as digitalization and green technologies.

For companies, especially SMEs in the Habitat sector, Skills-OVATE offers a competitive edge by enabling them to identify and anticipate skill shortages. By understanding the skills that are in high demand, businesses can focus on strategic hiring, employee upskilling, and reskilling efforts. This proactive approach helps companies to remain agile and competitive, ensuring they have the necessary talent to drive innovation and meet the challenges of the digital and green transitions.

Policymakers and sectoral organizations can use Skills-OVATE to develop policies that address skill gaps, support employment growth, and foster sustainable development in the Habitat sector and advocate for the needs of their industries, ensuring that training and education systems are aligned with real-world demands and challenges.

CEDEFOP official Skills-OVATE website providing access to information, resources and dashboard

CEDEFOP video presenting the last updated version of Skills-OVATE tool

CEDEFOP video presenting a full release of Skills-OVATE tool

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Unión nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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