SMART INFO: Monitoring System

What is the HABITABLE Skills Intelligence Monitoring System

This monitoring system consists of an innovative methodology to generate, process, interconnect and display relevant data and updated information on skills to guide the actions of the Habitat sector skills ecosystem.

The system has been designed to provide relevant and up-to-date information, key trends and labour market demands, to align VET offer with the needs of the market, develop new learning pathways and career paths, support career guidance, counselling and recruitment processes, foster mobility and the provision of high quality Vocational Education and Training.

The HABITABLE consortium is carrying out a preliminary test of this system in two relevant areas of the Habitat sector:

  • Lightweight and Wood Construction: energy efficiency, Building Information Modeling (BIM), 3D interpretations, and modular and off-site construction.
  • Green Transition in the Manufacturing Industry: resource efficiency, decarbonisation of processes, and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

The partners firstly identify the skills and training needs for each area, highlighting the most relevant competences and skills for companies, as well as the type of training (existing or to be developed) needed to face these needs. Then they identify training offers for each area considering the market needs as well as the skills addressed, and the level and type of training. Results will serve to validate the system as well as to provide updated information on skills for both areas.

Why is it relevant?

The HABITABLE Skills Intelligence monitoring system is a crucial help in navigating the green and digital transitions reshaping the Habitat sector. This sector, which encompasses among others construction, urban planning, and sustainable development, faces rapidly evolving demands due to environmental regulations and technological advancements. The Skills Intelligence Monitoring System provides a dynamic and data-driven approach to continuously assess and forecast the skills required in this sector.

The monitoring system facilitates the alignment of VET with the latest labour market needs, which ensures that the workforce is equipped with relevant competencies, reducing skill gaps and enhancing employability. It also supports the development of new learning pathways, enabling workers to acquire emerging skills in sustainability and digitalization. Additionally, the system aids career guidance by offering insights into evolving job roles and opportunities, fostering informed career choices. Finally, the updated data and information generated by the system facilitates mobility within the sector, allowing professionals to adapt and thrive in different geographic or sub-sectoral contexts, ensuring a versatile and resilient workforce.

Within the context of HABITABLE project implementation, this Skills Intelligence monitoring system is aimed to:

  • provide data to develop three annual reports on Habitat sector skills
  • update the Sector Map of Jobs and Skills and the Training Offer Panel
  • provide relevant insights to develop the Habitat Sector Skills Strategy
  • facilitate accurate information and integrated data to nurture the Career Guidance Space and the Micro-credentials Certification Centre

How to take advantage of it?

VET providers can use the system to tailor curricula to current and future labour market needs, ensuring that VET programs are aligned with the evolving demands of the green and digital transitions. This alignment enhances graduates’ employability and relevance in the job market.

Companies and SMEs benefit by early identifying skill gaps within their workforce and addressing them through targeted training. This proactive approach improves productivity, innovation, and competitiveness, as businesses can better adapt to new technologies and sustainability practices.

Policy makers gain valuable insights into the sector’s workforce needs, allowing them to craft informed policies that support the development of a skilled, future-ready workforce. They can also use this Skills Intelligence monitoring system to design incentives for education and training that align with broader economic and environmental goals.

Sectoral organizations can leverage the system to guide their members on industry trends, advocate for necessary resources, and facilitate collaboration among stakeholders. By promoting a shared understanding of skill needs, they help create a more cohesive and adaptive Habitat sector capable of meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing environment.

Annual reports

Annual reports on the Habitat sector skills ecosystem, developed as a result of the implementation of the Skills Intelligence monitoring system

First report

Available from May 2025

Second report

Available from May 2026

Third report

Available from May 2027

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European UniĆ³n nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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