SMART Skills Intelligence Platform and
Monitoring System for the Habitat sector

This SMART online digital solution provides access to relevant and up-to-date information for the Habitat sector, based on the analysis carried out by the consortium and the results derived from a skills intelligence monitoring system.

The resources, new methods and digital tools included in the platform help actors on the Habitat sector skills ecosystem to generate, process, interconnect and display relevant data and updated information to guide their strategy and actions.

The SMART platform supports the shift towards a skills and competence-oriented approach in the sector, helping to better align VET offer with the needs of the labour market, develop new learning pathways, and support career guidance and foster mobility.

This Skills Intelligence platform provides access to: information and guidance on the use of relevant European tools, useful to support Skills Intelligence systems; a digital tool with data on the occupational domain of the Habitat sector positioning jobs in relation to VET programmes; and a monitoring panel with updated information of VET offer available in the skills ecosystems.


This space provides access to updated information, resources and guidance on the use of relevant European tools, useful to support the implementation of Skills Intelligence systems for sectoral monitoring in the Habitat sector.

These tools provide VET providers, sectoral organisations and educational authorities with access to relevant sectoral updated information about jobs, skills and VET provision, which may help them to improve competitiveness and productivity of the sector, reduce skills shortage and mismatches derived from the digital and green transitions, and reduce the shortage of workers that companies face.

Sector map of JOBS

Digital tool aimed to provide a frame of reference for the occupational domain of the Habitat sector, positioning jobs in their professional context in relation to VET programmes, and providing dynamic information to support skills intelligence for the sector.

The Sector map helps to link jobs, careers and related skills with VET programmes and learning pathways, providing an overview of career possibilities and corresponding learning pathways. The map also helps students and workers to determine their present position and target their ambitions, and provides a common reference framework for policy-makers.

Training Offer Panel

Online monitoring panel with updated information of Initial and Continuous VET offer of programmes and courses available in the VET skills ecosystems taking part in the project. This key instrument for the Habitat sector aims to increase the relevance and responsiveness of education and training provision, and to improve the matching of supply and demand on Habitat labour markets.

The panel helps to identify gaps in the training offer, to address needs for training in the sector related to digital and green skills, and to develop new learning pathways, career guidance and mobility. The panel also facilitates the design of education and training solutions for quick take-up, and for new emerging occupations.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European UniĆ³n nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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