Multifunctional online platform for skills training, certification and career guidance

The SKILLS HUB is aimed to support the display of the Habitat sector skills strategy by providing VET teachers and trainers, VET learners, and SMEs employees, with skills’ training, certification and career guidance. The digital tools available in this multifunctional online platform have been designed to help them for the acquisition, recognition and guidance on labour market relevant skills, including those necessary for the green and digital transitions.

The Online Training Platform provides access to three cutting-edge tailor made training programmes -for VET teachers and trainers, VET learners, and SMEs employees- to be certified through the Micro-credentials Certification Centre. Besides, the SKILLS HUB also hosts a digital database providing access to innovative curricula in a wide range of strategic areas for the Habitat skills ecosystem, as well as an online digital solution based on Artificial Intelligence technology that offers personalised career guidance for the Habitat sector.

Online Training Platform

Set of tailor-made training programmes and MOOC to support upskilling, professional development and updating of labour market relevant skills on the following areas.

⇒ VET teachers and trainers: digital skills for teaching VET, Extended Reality (XR) technologies to support innovative pedagogies in VET, and teaching Work-Readiness Skills for Work-Based Learning through XR
SMEs: upskilling and reskilling of staff for their adaptation to the green and digital transitions, and instructing in-company trainers and tutors to design and manage green, digital and inclusive apprenticeship
VET learners: learn Work-Readiness Skills in quality and inclusive VET programmes, through transformative training methods supported by XR tools

Micro-credentials Certification Centre

This digital web-based innovative tool facilitates the certification of learning outcomes acquired in short-term learning experiences, as well as validation of prior learning, through Micro-credentials. The Centre enables VET teachers and trainers, VET learners, and SMEs employees, to manage their career and lifelong learning with authentication service for credentials, making microcredentials in the Habitat sector portable.

The Certification Centre promote also the integration of microcredentials into both education and training systems and skills policies, and facilitate guidance and validation of non-formal and informal learning and the upskill and re-skill of workers for skills and jobs that are in demand on the labour market, in particular in the context of the digital and green transitions.

Innovative Curricula Digital Database

This digital database has been designed as a useful tool to support VET teachers and trainers in the design of new training courses. To this end, the database provides access to Innovative Curricula resources in strategic areas for the Habitat skills ecosystem.

The Innovative Curricula database includes, among others relevant topics, curricula resources related with: set of technical skills for new and emerging occupations and professional profiles in the Habitat sector, skills necessary for the adaptation to the digital and green transition, key competencies and other sets of Work-Readiness Skills, as well as innovative learner-centred teaching practices and methods for VET.

Career Guidance Space

This functional space provides access to a digital innovative tool based on Artificial Intelligence technology, offering personalised career guidance for the Habitat sector aimed at users of different types of guidance services. The SMART Career Guidance Assistant supports them to recognize their skills and interests, mirror them with current and future opportunities and needs of the sector, develop their skills with suggested further training, and recognize their skills with micro-credentials.

The area also hosts a new tool for career professionals, the Career Guidance Handbook, aimed to instruct career counsellors -from different types of lifelong learning guidance services- on the tools and resources developed by the HABITABLE project and to support the provision of inclusive career guidance for the Habitat sector.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Unión nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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