
Project objectives

HABITABLE project aims to respond to the challenges and needs of the Habitat sector in terms of skills shortage and mismatches derived from the digital and green transition, improving the responsiveness of VET systems to these changes while promoting inclusion and equity in education. 

The project involves co-creating a Platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence for Sustainable Habitat, building a ‘skills ecosystem’ together with a wide range of other local and regional partners, working also with centres of professional excellence in other countries through networks of international collaboration.

To this aim, the partners are working towards the achievement of the following general objectives.

  1. Lead the green and digital transition of the Habitat sector by developing a transnational cooperation platform of CoVEs and a Skills Strategy, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
  2. Implement Skills Intelligence for the Habitat sector
  3. Boost quality, digital, green and inclusive Dual VET, WBL and apprenticeship
  4. Support the creation of business-education cooperation partnerships
  5. Provide labour market relevant skills including those necessary for the green and digital transitions
  6. Design innovative learner-centred teaching methods supported by digital tools and Extended Reality (XR) technologies
  7. Provide access to innovative curricula that focus both on technical skills and key competences
  8. Support upskill and reskill of adult learners and SME employees for the green and digital transition
  9. Implement a system for certification of Microcredentials
  10. Support career guidance and promote social inclusion, equity, and equity in education
  11. Foster transnational mobility for VET educators and learners
  12. Create new spaces for international cooperation and innovation
  13. Provide policy recommendations to implement regional and local strategies to raise upward convergence of CoVEs
  14. Maximise the impact of the project, further use of its products and mainstreaming of its results.

Project implementation

HABITABLE project is structured around

Three transversal areas

Digital transition
Green transition and skills
Equity and inclusion

Four functional areas

Skills Intelligence
Dual VET
Skills Training, Certification and Guidance
Building the Skills ecosystems

The project implementation has relied on a structure of Work Packages (WP), with a balanced and efficient distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the members of the consortium:

  • An operative Work Package for project management and quality assurance (WP1) and a final one for dissemination and mainstreaming of the project results (WP6).
  • The other Work Packages addressed the four key functional areas for the participant organizations and the international network of CoVEs: Skills Intelligence (WP2), Dual VET and WBL (WP3), Skills training, certification and career guidance (WP4), and Skills ecosystems governance, strategy and cooperation (WP5).

Each of these functional Work Packages gathers a coherent set of activities, resources, tools and programmes to provide a combined solution to address the current needs and future challenges, in the respective areas, identified by the CoVEs of the consortium.

Additionally, each key functional area, and its corresponding Work Package, has been designed to reinforce and support the action of the others. The Work Packages 2, 3 and 4 are assembled in multifunctional online platforms that facilitate access and service to all the different resources developed in each of them: the SMART Skills Intelligence Platform in WP2, the DUAL Online Centre in WP3, and the SKILLS HUB in WP4.

The image below shows a graphical representation of the project structure and the connections between the different functional areas, Work Packages and results.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Unión nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: