HABITAT Skills Ecosystems

Co-creating the HABITAT Skills ecosystem

HABITABLE project aims to lead the green and digital transition of the Habitat sector with the support of a transnational cooperation platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), as well as developing a Skills Strategy for the Habitat sector aligned with the SDGs. To this end, the consortium has set up the Platform of CoVEs for Sustainable Habitat, and the Sustainable HABITAT International Network Alliance as the governance body for this platform of CoVEs.

To advance on the co-creation of the HABITAT Skills ecosystem, this collaborative platform of CoVEs works together on the definition of the Habitat Sector Skills Strategy, as well as developing recommendations to implement the strategy at regional and local level. This process is also supported with two new collaborative spaces for cooperation and innovation: the Skills Ecosystem Innovation Tank and the Co-creation LAB of new projects for CoVEs.

Platform of CoVEs for Sustainable Habitat

This transnational cooperation platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), has been set up by the partner organisations of HABITABLE project, aimed also to expand to other regions and networks of excellence seeking to promote a Sustainable Habitat. Members of the platform are working together to co-create two reference policy documents.

Habitat Sector Skills Strategy, a road map for the sector aligned with the SDGs, to improve workforce skills, nurture talent pipe-lines, foster competitiveness, grow businesses, expand employment opportunities and promote social inclusion, equality, gender equality, and non-discrimination.

Recommendations for the implementation of a regional and local strategy for upward convergence of CoVEs, based on the lessons learned and the experience acquired by the participants of the skills ecosystem during the implementation of HABITABLE project.

Do you want to join the Sustainable HABITAT International Network Alliance?

Skills Ecosystem Innovation TANK

This workspace for open innovation aims to address the challenges of the Habitat sector working together with SMEs, VET centres, educational institutions, innovation hubs and technology centres.

For each of the identified challenges, participants in the Innovation TANK will set up a consortium to work on a specific innovation project, its regulation, planning, execution, prototyping and testing.

These innovation projects aim to face the needs of the sector and strengthen the relationship between the industry, VET learners and staff, to support innovation for WBL and Dual training, and to design and test innovative approaches to promote social inclusion, equality and gender equality.

Co-creation LAB of new projects

This online space aims to generate new projects for further collaboration among actors of the Habitat VET ecosystem, applying for national and European funds.

These projects may address education and training actions, mobility of learners and staff, applied research activities, promotion of social inclusion, equity and equality, infrastructure investments to modernise VET centres, implementation of management systems to assure excellence and sustainability of VET organisations.

The LAB also allows the search for partners and interested organisations, and promotes new ways of working together with local SMEs through innovation hubs, technology dissemination centres, prototyping and applied research projects, with the involvement of VET learners and staff.

CoVE Ambassadors Mobility Programme

This international mobility programme aims to support the transfer of excellence between VET centres integrated in the international network of CoVEs, encouraging a culture of sharing excellency within the network.

The programme facilitates the organisation of international mobilities for bilateral exchange of innovation during the implementation of the HABITABLE project. These mobilities will be set in connection with the activity of the Innovation TANK and the Co-creation LAB.

VET centres from the international network of CoVEs take part in the programme as hosting and visitor organizations. They will select a group of one VET teacher and two VET learners to participate in the mobility as CoVE Ambassadors. By doing so, they will learn and experience innovative practices and exchange good practices in different areas of VET excellence.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European UniĆ³n nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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