The SMART Info space is an innovative online resource aimed to support actors in the Habitat sector by providing relevant and updated information, resources, and guidance on the key European tools which supports implementation of Skills Intelligence within the sector.

As the Habitat sector faces significant challenges due to digitalization and the green transition, there is an increasing need for accurate data to inform VET programs, aligning them with current labour market demands, and improving the sector’s overall competitiveness.

The information and resources available in SMART Info addresses these needs by offering a centralized online space where VET providers, companies and SMEs, sectoral organizations, and educational authorities will find guidance and relevant insights on these European tools. This will help them to better guide their decisions in curriculum development, career guidance, and workforce planning, thus fostering a more responsive and competitive Habitat sector and ensuring that VET programs are closely aligned with the industry needs.


Based on online job ads in European countries, Skills-OVATE provides information on the jobs and skills that employers want. VET providers, sectoral organisations and educational authorities can get information from millions of job vacancies gathered from thousands of sources, such as private job boards, public job boards, recruitment firms, online newspapers, and company websites about the skills, competencies, and qualifications actively seeking, helping to bridge the gap between education, training, and labour market needs.


The European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations acts as Acting as a dictionary, describing names, classifying professional vocations and skills fit for the European Union labour market and education and training.
Electronic systems enable different online platforms to use ESCO for services like matching job seekers to employment on the basis of their skills, proposing training to people who wish to reskill or upskill so as to understand those ideas and the linkages between them.


Set of online tools and information to manage every step of learning and career in Europe. It is a European Commission initiative to facilitate mobility in work and learning, aiming to contribute to the mobility of learners and the employability of workers both in their own country and across Europe, facilitating the comparison of their skills and qualifications and thus contributing to the removal of barriers to studying or working in Europe.

Monitoring System

Innovative methodology developed in the framework of HABITABLE project, aimed to generate, process, interconnect and display relevant data and updated information on skills to guide the actions of the Habitat sector skills ecosystem.
The system provides relevant and up-to-date information, key trends and labour market demands, to align VET offer with market needs, develop new learning pathways, support career guidance and counselling, foster mobility and the provision of high quality VET.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European UniĆ³n nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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